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Chia sẻ  Khóa Học Business Analytics Module 3 Ứng dụng dữ liệu để đưa ra quyết định kinh doanh  hướng dẫn Kỹ thuật khám phá dữ liệu bước đầu, kỹ thuật xâu chuỗi dữ liệu, kỹ thuật dự đoán dữ liệu để ứng dụng trong công việc

Nội dung khóa học
Buổi 1 – Overview
1.1 – Overview
1.2 – Handout
Buổi 2 – Descriptive Analytics
2.1 – Case study – Fashion Store
2.2 – Exploratory Data Analysis. Let’s See What We Have Here!
2.3 – Exploratory Data Analysis – Example
Buổi 3 – Diagnostics Analytics
3.1 – Hypothesis Testing Techniques
3.2 – Hypothesis Testing In Action
Buổi 4 – Correlation
4.1 – Correlation (P1)
4.2 – Correlation (P2)
4.3 – Correlation Tells Stories, Not The Whole Picture
Buổi 5 – Regression
5.1 – Calculating Linear Regression (P1)
5.2 – Calculating Linear Regression (P2)
5.3 – Yes Please! More Regression
5.4 – When To Use: Correlation Vs. Regression
Buổi 6 – Forecast
6.1 – Forecasting – How To See The Future
6.2 – Forecasting Technique
Buổi 7 – Classification
7.1 – Classification – Grouping Items With Known Criteria
Buổi 8 – Clustering
8.1 – Clustering – Grouping Items With Unknown Criteria
8.2 – Clustering Technique
Buổi 9 – Association
9.1 – Association – Amazon: “You Might Like These Items”
9.2 – Association Application
9.3 – Insights Are Pointless Without Any Actions
Buổi 10 – Prescriptive Analytics
10.1 – Optimization: Finding The Best Solution Out Of Many Options
10.2 – Simulation: How To Mind Read Your Opponent In A Chess Game
10.3 – “Hey Siri. How Smart Are You?”
10.4 – Machine Learning Vs. AI
10.5 – Giới thiệu nội dung bộ khoá học Business Analytics

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Share Business Analytics Module 3 Ứng dụng dữ liệu để đưa ra quyết định kinh doanh

Ant Green
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